Criminal Defense Against Minnesota Drug Charges

Learn More About Drug Charges in Minnesota
Types of Drug Crimes in Minnesota
The State of Minnesota has several different levels of criminal drug offenses. They range anywhere from a petty misdemeanor to a felony. A petty misdemeanor is the least serious drug crime you can be charged with. This level of offense is not considered criminal & no jail time can be given. It’s important you do not plead guilty to it without first contacting a qualified criminal defense attorney though. A guilty plea could affect your future in a number of other ways. There are other considerations besides the avoidance of jail time. Possession of a small amount of marijuana & minor traffic offenses are examples of petty misdemeanors.

A misdemeanor is the next highest level of possible charges in Minnesota. These charges are considered criminal. It could result in 90 days in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. Possession of marijuana in a motor vehicle & first offense Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) are examples of misdemeanors.
Gross misdemeanors are the next highest level of charges possible in Minnesota. The conviction of a gross misdemeanor could result in up to 1 year in jail and/or a $3,000 fine. The highest level of criminal charges available in Minnesota is a felony.
If convicted of a felony, there are many consequences. In addition to the possibility of more than a year in jail and/or severe fines, there is also the exclusion from serving on a jury, loss of your voting privileges, ban from serving in the military and forfeiture from owning firearms. Contact Buchin Law Office to find out your rights and the particulars of your unique criminal drug charge case.
Criminal Defense Attorney – No Cost Initial Consultation
A criminal defense attorney will help you understand exactly what the charges are against you & what penalties you could possibly face. Drug crimes can be extremely complex. Before speaking with any police officers, prosecution members, investigators or anyone else about your case, it’s important to consult with a criminal defense lawyer. St. Cloud Attorney, Buchin Law Office, offers a free, no obligation, initial consultation in & around the Stearns County area. Contact our office to find out what your case consists of & what your best possible strategy should be. If the police question you about your case, it is best to tell them you would rather not talk without your legal counsel present. During the initial consultation with Buchin Law Office, we will discuss your drug charges, possible defense strategy and, if appropriate, establish an attorney-client relationship.
Defense Against Drug Charges by St Cloud Attorney – Buchin Law Office
With over 20 years of drug charge defense experience, Buchin Law Office will be the criminal defense attorney working hard for you. We want to keep your criminal record as clean as possible. We value attorney-client privilege and will not judge you because of any crimes you are charged within or around Stearns County. Our main goal in criminal defense cases is to preserve your criminal record. We will work hard to examine every detail of your case, provide you with the best defense possible and defend you at trial, if a trial is necessary. Contact the St. Cloud, MN Criminal Defense Lawyer that cares about you and your case, Buchin Law Office 320-259-7727 or complete our free no obligation initial consultation form to get started on your legal defense today.
Disclaimer: No information provided on this website should be perceived as legal advice. The content of this website is only intended to provide general information. Only the establishment of an attorney-client relationship with Buchin Law Office can lead to the inception of legal advice from any member of the office team.
Protect your Rights
Defense Against Drug Charges
With over 20 years of drug charge defense experience, Buchin Law Office will be the criminal defense attorney working hard for you. We want to keep your criminal record as clean as possible. We value attorney-client privilege and will not judge you because of any crimes you are charged within or around Stearns County. Our main goal in criminal defense cases is to preserve your criminal record. We will work hard to examine every detail of your case, provide you with the best defense possible and defend you at trial, if a trial is necessary.
Get started on your legal defense now.
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