Theft Charges, Burglary Charges & Robbery Charges in St Cloud MN
Criminal Defense Attorney That Has Your Back
Theft laws in Minnesota can be complex & confusing. It’s important that you have an experienced and trusted criminal defense attorney working hard for you. Minnesota criminal statutes are very specific. Certain actions are considered theft, others are considered burglary & even others are considered robbery. The severity of the possible fines & jail time that you are facing if charged with any of these crimes vary considerably. The consequences of a conviction will be due to the classification of the criminal charges, the value of the property or service in question and the criminal history. Defense attorney, Buchin Law Office, will help you understand the charges you face as well as the potential consequences. We are trusted St Cloud, MN lawyers with experience and compassion that you need on your side.
Minnesota Theft Charges
Minnesota state statutes have complex classifications as to what is considered theft, burglary and/or robbery. Since the laws are so complex, it is in your best interest to contact a criminal defense attorney. They know the laws and know how to defend against the criminal charges you are facing. There are some basic characterizations of actions that could be considered theft in the State of Minnesota.
The crime could have occurred in the St. Cloud area, Stearns County or the surrounding areas:
- Taking, using, transferring or concealing another person’s property without their consent, and the intent to keep or sell the property
- Theft by swindle
- Keeping lost property without the intent to find its rightful owner
- Stealing cable through unauthorized connections
- Breaking and entering
- Identity theft
Classification of Theft Offenses in Minnesota
Criminal charges in the State of Minnesota have several different classifications. Each has certain jail time and fine parameters attached to the charge classification. The different criminal theft charges are as follows:
Petty misdemeanors
This is the lowest level of theft offense classified by the State of Minnesota. It’s most often referred to as petty theft and is really not considered a criminal act. Petty misdemeanors carry the least amount of jail time and the smallest fine amount. This offense includes theft of property or services valued at less than $500. If you are charged with petty theft in or around St. Cloud, MN you could face jail time and fines. You will need a criminal defense attorney with experience and expertise to defend your criminal case.
Misdemeanors are considered crimes. They carry a potential sentence of up to 90 days in jail and $1,000 in fines. Being charged with this crime can turn into a petty misdemeanor, a misdemeanor or a gross misdemeanor because of the way Minnesota classifies theft offenses. Misdemeanor theft offenses are classified according to the dollar value of the property or service that is stolen. It can also depend on the type of property or services that are stolen as well. (Minn. Stat. Ann. § 609.52)
When facing theft charges, it’s most important to contact a criminal defense attorney that will explain the types of charges you are facing. You will also want to know the potential penalties you’re facing if a criminal conviction happens. In addition to the 90 days in jail & $1,000 fine you would face with this criminal charge, you also have to consider the value of the goods or services you are accused of stealing. If the dollar value is between $500 and $5,000 you could be looking at an additional $3,000 in fines & 1 year in jail or both. There is also your criminal history to take into consideration and the type of property or services in question. To avoid unnecessary confusion & worry, contact Buchin Law Office today to fully understand the charges and penalties you face.
Gross Misdemeanors
This is the most serious classification of misdemeanor theft charges that you can face in the State of Minnesota. These charges carry a potential penalty of 1 year in jail and $3,000 in fines. In addition to those potential consequences, you will also have additional penalties depending on the dollar value of the products or services you are accused of stealing. If the value is placed at more than $5,000, but less and $35,000, the penalty you could face is significant, ranging from up to 10 years in prison and $20,000 in fines. If the goods or services in question are valued at more than $35,000 this is the most serious theft offense in Minnesota and you could face up to 20 years in prison and/or a $100,000 fine.
Additional Penalties for Theft Charges in Minnesota
In addition to the fines and jail or prison time as required by law in Minnesota, there are additional penalties you could face. You could also be charged with the liability to the victim of the theft. You could be required to pay restitution or punitive damages equalling the amount of the dollar value of the property or services that you are charged with stealing. The Minnesota law regarding liability to the victim is, again, widely varied and generally requires a $50 repayment or up to 100% of the value of the property in question. It is best to build a criminal defense with a trusted, winning criminal defense attorney. Contact Buchin Law Office today for help with your criminal theft, criminal burglary or criminal robbery charges.
Experienced Theft Defense Attorney in St Cloud MN
If you have been charged with theft, burglary or robbery in or around Stearns County, it is critical that you reach out to an experienced theft defense attorney as soon as possible. Being convicted in Minnesota can lead to a significant risk of jail time, substantial fines & defamation of character. It’s important the St. Cloud attorney you choose to represent you against criminal charges has experience. You also need time. Your criminal defense lawyer needs to have a chance to prepare your defense as soon as possible after discovery of criminal charges. Buchin Law Office has the experience, track record and knowledge you need on your side. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation initial consultation.
Disclaimer: No information provided on this website should be perceived as legal advice. The content of this website is only intended to provide general information. Only the establishment of an attorney-client relationship with Buchin Law Office can lead to the inception of legal advice from any member of the office team.
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